About Jeanette Logan

Fulfilling Relationships - Jeanette LoganPartner in Fulfilling Relationships

Jeanette Logan is the Co-Owner of Living Ultimate Values™ and is the founder of two of its divisions: Youthful Hearts (the Body/Mind/Spirit Fitness After 50 division) and Joy Luvs Company (the playfulness division).

Affectionately referred to as the Queen of Playfulness by her husband and friends, Jeanette feels blessed to be doing meaningful work that she thoroughly enjoys. She is very passionate about supporting others and herself in being healthy, energetic, capable, playful and aware in the world. She says, “No matter what our age or level of fitness there is always a way to exercise our minds, bodies, hearts and spirits to expand our joy for living and improve our love and relationships.DSCN0029

Many Hats Worn on the Authentic Life Quest

Jeanette wears many hats in her life, including: spiritual partner, fitness instructor, entrepreneur, youth leader, guided relaxation teacher, website administrator, bookkeeper, gardener, hiker, cat lover, life-long learner, practicer of yoga and meditation, event planner and expressive artist. One of her strengths and favorite things to do is blending existing elements together to create new, uplifting, nurturing experiences for herself and others. She also really loves to show people how to support and care for themselves when learning something new to ensure they have a joyfully positive and successful experience.

Fulfilling Relationships Background

Love and RelationshipsSince 1993, through co-leadership and management, she has worked in partnership with her husband, Val Logan. Together they run Living Ultimate Values their personal development business. In this creatively alive personal growth arena, Jeanette enjoys using movement, music, art, writing, storytelling, meditation, improvisation and play in supportive ways to transform fears and anxiety into healing empowerment.

Help With Communication Issues and More

Many of Living Ultimate Values™ workshops, classes, and private sessions are designed around Val’s own innovative Transformational Coaching & Spiritual Counseling techniques. Using his skillful expertise in both disciplines, Val safely and gently guides people through their self-limiting beliefs, emotional blocks and communication issues into greater joy and success. He coaches people on how to consciously use the law of attraction by definitively building the strong energetic foundation that supports everything they want to bring into their lives.

Invaluable Experience with Love and Relationships

Having co-facilitated many support groups and workshops with Val, Jeanette has developed a keen sensitivity to the emotional issues that many people have regarding their body image and their own self-acceptance. In addition, she has worked through many of her own “inner critic” issues relating to food and body image. As a result, her strength and compassion inspire her students toward greater self-respect and balanced health. Jeanette’s experience and training with Val and Fulfilling Relationships have been invaluable to her work as a fitness instructor and wellness educator.

Fitness Work For Self-Love and Better Relationships

Love and RelationshipsJeanette has been involved in fitness and expressive arts for over 25 years and has worked with a variety of age groups. Her extensive experience in both arenas has helped her successfully inspire and motivate people of all ages (2 to 92!) to become more active and step into greater aliveness. Since 1994 she has focused her fitness work on training age 50+ adults because she really loves to work with this special population! She teaches her Youthful Hearts (body/mind/spirit fitness after 50!) programs in Northern California’s beautiful Marin County. For more info about her classes call 707-642-3603 or email us.

The Ultimate Fulfilling Relationship

Jeanette tapped into her genuine enthusiasm for participating in healthful practices when she began to honor and pursue her own true path in life, her soul’s calling. Throughout the years, Jeanette’s passionate curiosity about the many facets of natural wellness and the mind/body/spirit connection has led her to explore various types of fitness and healing. She believes we all have within us our own innate capacity to overcome fears and anxiety for self-healing and increased vitality.

Acquired Wisdom While Living The Authentic Life

Jeanette says, “I encourage my class members to listen to their own body wisdom and to access their own inspired movement, not to just be mimicking me. When we move in ways that feel good to us then there is no stopping us! We truly begin to expand our sparkling aliveness and improve our health from the inside out. Instead of just dragging ourselves to the gym or to a class because we’re supposed to exercise, we look forward to it!” If you live in (or close by) Marin County of California and you’re age 50 or older, drop in for a group class. We would love to meet you! If you’re interested to receive more info, leave your email address and info request by filling out the form on the Fulfilling Relationships Contact Us page.


  • BA degree in Theatre Arts, Thomas Edison State University, Trenton, NJ
  • ACE-Certified (American Council on Exercise) in Group Fitness Instruction
  • Certified EFT Practitioner (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Tapping the Matrix Academy, Santa Rosa, CA, Rob Nelson, MS, Academy Director & Trainer
  • Certified Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner (Advanced form of EFT Tapping), Founder Karl Dawson & Tapping the Matrix Academy Founder and Trainer, Rob Nelson, M.S.
  • Certified by the Health and Fitness Institute of Cal State University Hayward in Aerobic Instruction
  • Holds The Senior Personal Training Certificate through the American Senior Fitness Association (SFA)
  • Holds The Natural Wellness Certificate from Clayton College of Natural Health
  • AA degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of Marin, Kentfield, CA
  • AA degree in Drama, College of Marin, Kentfield, CA
  • AA degree in Physical Education and Health, College of Marin, Kentfield, CA

Other Training Programs

  • Certified Public Speakers Training and Human Potential Programs with SAGE Seminars in Las Vegas
  • Expressive Arts Program with Natalie Rogers at the Person-Centered Expressive Therapy Institute in Santa Rosa, CA
  • Summer Training Program at the American Conservatory Theatre in San Francisco, CA
  • Summer Training Program at the Drama Studio London in Berkeley, CA.
  • T. Harv Eker’s Millionaire Mind Intensive through Peak Potentials Training
  • Brain Gym 101 (Educational Kinesiology Foundation) with Pam Whitman, M.A., of Transition Point
  • Dayan Qigong, Solano Community College, taught by Jerri Miner, M.S.
  • Holds Specialty Certificate: “Brains & Balance Past 60 Specialist” through Exercise ETC, INC.
  • Secrets of Interplay Training, Body Wisdom, Inc, Oakland, CA, Founder, Phil Porter & Coke Tani, MFA
  • New Games Leadership Training, Dale Le Fevre, Sonoma State University
  • Graduate of the Interplay Life Practice Program, Body Wisdom, Inc., Oakland, CA,  Founders, Cynthia Winton-Henry and Phil Porter
  • Completed YogaFit’s Certificate Training: Foundations of Safety for Personal Practice and Teaching, Beth Shaw, Founder and Master Trainer, Lindsey Sutton, Ph.D.
  • Secrets of Leading Interplay Training, Body Wisdom, Inc., Oakland, CA, Founders: Phil Porter and Cynthia Winton-Henry.
  • Completed New Games Leadership Training with Dale N. Le Fevre at The Thinkery in Austin, Texas to become a New Games leader.

Jeanette’s Fulfilling Relationships MissionFears and anxiety
